第18回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング




:Do you know ( is  イthis  ウmade  エwhat  オboat) of ?

:Plastic ? Well ... I'm not sure.





:What ( ア does  イ cat  ウ of  エ your  オ kind ) sister have?

:She has a small black cat... he is so cute!





:Which dog are you talking about?

:Oh, ( the  one  front  black  in ) of the tree.





:Did you see anything interesting during your trip to London?

:Well, I ( overイ a ウ made  エ saw  オ piano ) 300 years ago.





:( ア the  イ took  ウ pictures  エ we  オ are ) on the wall.

:They look great there.  Thank you.






(1)エイオアウ「Do you know what this boat is made of? (間接疑問文)」

(2)オウイアエ「What kind of cat does your sister have?

(3)アエイオウ「the black one in front of the tree.

(4)エイオウア「I saw a piano made over 300 years ago.(分詞)」

(5)アウエイオ「The pictures (that) we took are on the wall.(関係代名詞)」


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