第16回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング




:How about this one?

:That's fine. I'll take it. Do (another you for onehave) my friend?





:Which is your glass?

:The one ( ア the  イ mine  ウ left  エ is  オ on ).





:What is in the box ?

:There is the ( ア gave  イ bird  ウ me エ aunt  オmy ).






:Some people enjoy reading books ( write ) in English. Do you enjoy it, too?

:Yes, I do.




:( アswimming  イ is  ウ boy  エ the  オ who) in that river ?

:Sorry, I don't know.




(1)イオアエウ「Do you have another one for my friend?

(2)オアウエイ「The one on the left is mine.

(3)イオエアウ「There is the bird (that) my aunt gave me.(関係代名詞)」


(5)オイエウア「Who is the boy swimming is the river.(分詞)」


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