第7回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング





:Who is the man (watch) us over there ?

:Oh, that's my father.






A: ( asked  イ come  ウ you who オ to ) here?

B: Mother did.






Inequality(不平等) made young Dr. F very angry.






Here’s an article(記事) written in 2001.






:Do you ( what  イknow  ウtime  エwill  オ they) come home ?

:I'm sorry, but I don't know.




(2)エアウオイ(Who asked you to come here?askto~)



(5)イアウオエ(Do you know what time they will come home?:間接疑問文)


模擬試験・入試直結型 かまなび式英語トレーニング教材「時期別英文法トレーニング」でも対策できます!